Archives for November 2012

Have the Elderly Become Invisible?

Have the Elderly Become Invisible?

A civil culture honors, respects, and values the elderly. — Deborah King

Have we become a society that only grants honor to the strong, successful, popular, wealthy, and beautiful? If so, what happens to the feeble, elderly, awkward, poor, and unattractive?Continue reading

Is Your Closet Full and You Have Nothing to Wear?

Is Your Closet Full and You Have Nothing to Wear?

Women love to shop! Well, at least most women. I think I got the male gene when it comes to shopping as it is not my favorite pastime. Most women have more clothes than they know what to do with and yet, every morning they stand in front of their closet and utter, “I have nothing to wear.”

Clothes do two things – they cover and they communicate. Have you ever asked yourself why you choose the clothes you do? If your only goal is not to be naked, then you can easily accomplish that with a gunny sack. It would not be the most comfortable, but you would be covered.Continue reading

How to Teach Your Child Empathy

How to Teach Your Child Empathy

When was the last time you walked into a cafeteria and scanned the room for a friendly face? This is an everyday dilemma that children in schools face. While many look forward to the opportunity to connect with friends, others dread the ringing bell because they know they will sit alone and endure thirty minutes of painful gossip and, for some, physical attacks.Continue reading

4 Ways to Improve Your Social Skills and Expand Your World

4 Ways to Improve Your Social Skills and Expand Your World

Your social comfort zone establishes the boundaries for your life. Most people take the same route to work every day, eat the same food, shop at the same stores, and visit with the same friends. We are creatures of habit, and we tend to repeat behavior—unless something forces us to make a change.

Is your social comfort zone a prison or a playground? Do you feel locked and limited, or free to explore and expand? Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.Continue reading

7 Ways to be Technically Polite Using Your Mobile Phone

7 Ways to be Technically Polite Using Your Mobile Phone

Remember when conversations were held face-to-face? Two or more people would gather and share thoughts, work out issues, and cement relationships. We enjoyed the benefit of hearing the words another spoke, seeing the gestures and subtle body movements, and profited from the ability to ask questions for clarification and full understanding. Technology has forever shifted how we communicate. Today, we talk, we text, we tweet, we pin, and we write on each other’s walls. And, thanks to smart phones and tablets, we can do so anywhere and anytime.Continue reading