Archives for February 2013

Manners Make School Better

Manners Make School Better

Across the country, the familiar echo of school bells ringing marks the start of another year. Children are excited to return to the classroom and to see their friends, and most parents are delighted to exchange the spontaneous days of summer for a more stable schedule. The shopping is over, pencils and paper are tucked into backpacks, and the exhilaration of “the first day” is here. Students wonder, What should I wear? Will others be nice to me? Will I fit in? School can mean stress!Continue reading

The Power of Social Capital

The Power of Social Capital

People do business with those they know, like, and trust. In fact, they will drive further and spend more if they know they’ll be treated well.

Business owners focus a great deal of time, effort, and finances on how they can attract new customers and increase their profits. But, have you ever noticed that slick ads and marketing gimmicks alone do not generate long-term business success?Continue reading