Who Goes First?

Who Goes First?

We all desire to live in a world that is safe and allows us to experience positive relationships at home, at work, and in our community. We want to shop, eat, work and travel without fear. While we all desire this ideal, how do we achieve it?

Too often we diminish others based on their gender, race, political orientation, religion, intelligence, and socioeconomic standing. Technology has provided a vehicle for us to communicate with those we may never see face-to-face. Anonymity has created an environment where harsh, mean-spirited, divisive comments are made cultivating fear, mistrust, and prejudice.

When did we forget to look at others as fellow human beings and instead allowed the thinking of us and them to prevail? Once we see ourselves as better than others, we give ourselves license to treat them in any manner we see fit.Continue reading

Practical Ways to Communicate with Class

Practical Ways to Communicate with Class

A touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment—the smallest act of caring improves every interaction.” ~Deborah King

Although we have been communicating in some form since the beginning of time, never has such a common practice become so challenging. Communication today embodies more than the written word or the familiar face-to-face interaction—we also communicate through cell phones, email, text messaging and social media. Knowing which medium to use, and how to use them with class, is no small feat.

Today’s fast-paced, rapidly changing landscape requires each of us to refine our verbal, nonverbal, and technological skills to communicate with class. So, how do you resist falling victim to the many communication blunders that can tarnish your image and destroy your relationships?Continue reading

When Should I Text, Post or Make a Phone Call?

When Should I Text, Post or Make a Phone Call?

We love to connect with friends and family, and technology has made that easier than ever.  In a flash, you can text someone about a silly moment you are experiencing or post on social media a photo from your day.

Technology can also be used to say things that are hurtful, mean-spirited, damage reputations and destroy friendships.  Many things are said online that would never be said if standing face-to-face. Sometimes hurtful comments are made on purpose, other times, comments are simply misunderstood. How many times has someone misunderstood you when you were sharing something in person? It happens all the time, and adding a smiley face at the end of a text does not guarantee the other person understands your comment. Communication includes not only the words you say but how you say them.Continue reading

Don’t Do This at Work

Don’t Do This at Work

Every job has its share of frustrations, and those frustrating moments typically have little to do with job responsibilities or technical issues.  Many of these office stress points are due to inappropriate behavior, dress, grooming or communication.  These aggravating situations often are the ‘elephant in the room’  that no-one is willing to address.

Here are some of the most common things people wish others would never do in the office.Continue reading

The 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge

The 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge

  1. Call a friend and tell them how much they mean to you
  2. Notice how the morning light enters your home and be glad for a new day
  3. Be grateful for small favors
  4. Enjoy the laughter of one you love
  5. See the world through a child’s eyes
  6. Savor your favorite beverageContinue reading