10 Ways to Be a Good Neighbor

10 Ways to Be a Good Neighbor

Why bother making friends with your neighbor? After a busy day, time behind closed doors is a luxury and reaching out to neighbors may not seem worth the effort. But, creating goodwill with your neighbors can pay off in big ways.

Historically, a sense of community was a staple throughout most of America. The onset of the urban lifestyle, social media “relationships,” the breaking apart of the family unit and the need to stay busy has robbed us of the “real-time” connections we once had.

Truly connecting with neighbors creates a feeling of harmony, security and support. There is tremendous value in simply knowing that someone is nearby who cares and is willing to help if needed. Equally as important as a sense of community, being good neighbors benefits everyone when problems arise.Continue reading

Practical Ways to Communicate with Class

Practical Ways to Communicate with Class

A touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment—the smallest act of caring improves every interaction.” ~Deborah King

Although we have been communicating in some form since the beginning of time, never has such a common practice become so challenging. Communication today embodies more than the written word or the familiar face-to-face interaction—we also communicate through cell phones, email, text messaging and social media. Knowing which medium to use, and how to use them with class, is no small feat.

Today’s fast-paced, rapidly changing landscape requires each of us to refine our verbal, nonverbal, and technological skills to communicate with class. So, how do you resist falling victim to the many communication blunders that can tarnish your image and destroy your relationships?Continue reading

Practicing Savoir-faire in Life’s Most Memorable Moments

Practicing Savoir-faire in Life’s Most Memorable Moments

Few things can erode confidence like being invited to an event where you are clueless about what to wear or how to navigate a particular social setting. In fact, most people tend to turn down an invitation to an event that is outside of their comfort zone. Their assumption is that everyone else possesses the required savoir-faire. Nothing could be further from the truth. These skills, like any skill, are only learned through training and practice.

What is savoir-faire? Continue reading

When Should I Text, Post or Make a Phone Call?

When Should I Text, Post or Make a Phone Call?

We love to connect with friends and family, and technology has made that easier than ever.  In a flash, you can text someone about a silly moment you are experiencing or post on social media a photo from your day.

Technology can also be used to say things that are hurtful, mean-spirited, damage reputations and destroy friendships.  Many things are said online that would never be said if standing face-to-face. Sometimes hurtful comments are made on purpose, other times, comments are simply misunderstood. How many times has someone misunderstood you when you were sharing something in person? It happens all the time, and adding a smiley face at the end of a text does not guarantee the other person understands your comment. Communication includes not only the words you say but how you say them.Continue reading

What If?

What If?

“There is freedom waiting for you,
On the breezes of the sky,
And you ask “What if I fall?”
Oh but my darling,
What if you fly?”
Erin Hanson

What did you dream about when you were a child? Children have big dreams. Nothing seems impossible to them. Too often, as we grow, we start to doubt our ability to bring those dreams into reality. We begin to settle for the way things are and lose our joy for life.Continue reading