How to Make Family Mealtime a Reality

How to Make Family Mealtime a Reality

Is family mealtime a burden or a blessing in your home? Most families today, pressed for time, struggle to make family mealtime a priority, and some, have simply given up.

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Manners Make School Better

Manners Make School Better

Across the country, the familiar echo of school bells ringing marks the start of another year. Children are excited to return to the classroom and to see their friends, and most parents are delighted to exchange the spontaneous days of summer for a more stable schedule. The shopping is over, pencils and paper are tucked into backpacks, and the exhilaration of “the first day” is here. Students wonder, What should I wear? Will others be nice to me? Will I fit in? School can mean stress!Continue reading

Your Child Needs a Parent – Not a Best Friend

Your Child Needs a Parent – Not a Best Friend

Parents fill many roles in the lives of their children, but one role they are not to fill is to be their child’s best friend and lifelong playmate. Today’s parent often has many responsibilities outside the home, including part- or full-time employment, which leaves precious little time for family life. Nevertheless, no matter how tired he or she is at the end of the day, he or she is still the parent, and no one else can fulfill that role.Continue reading

How to Teach Your Child Empathy

How to Teach Your Child Empathy

When was the last time you walked into a cafeteria and scanned the room for a friendly face? This is an everyday dilemma that children in schools face. While many look forward to the opportunity to connect with friends, others dread the ringing bell because they know they will sit alone and endure thirty minutes of painful gossip and, for some, physical attacks.Continue reading

How to Avoid Restaurant Dining Nightmares with Your Children

How to Avoid Restaurant Dining Nightmares with Your Children

No one enjoys dining out with children who are out of control. They make the meal miserable for everyone – including the restaurant staff. Unfortunately, age does not guarantee good manners; but here are a few things to keep in mind when dining out.Continue reading