“The manner, deportment or language which renders a person appropriate and agreeable, suitable and elegant with appropriate dignity.” GRACE as defined in the Webster’s dictionary
Grace. Graceful. Gracious. I love these words. When I think of these powerful words they bring to mind fluidity of life, of movement, of being. My desire is to live a life that exemplifies grace. When others think of me, I want to be remembered as a person who extended grace in all situations. I would like to be thought of as one who communicates gracefulness, not only in movement, but also in the way I approach people with ease and poise. I want others to see graciousness in me, through my kindness, hospitality and warmth.Continue reading
Posting Photos on Social Media
“Nothing about being polite is simple. Being polite requires thought, planning, awareness, and self-control.” Deborah King
Imagine you are an honored guest at a wedding, graduation, funeral, or the birth of a baby, and you decide to use your phone to snap a few photos to share with your friends on social media. After all, the event is touching. Stop! Snapping and posting without permission could ruin, or at the very least tarnish, a friendship.Continue reading