31 Days of Civility

31 Days of Civility

May is Global Civility Awareness Month as set forth in Chase’s Calendar of Events. Here are 31 practical ways you can celebrate civility.Continue reading

What is Civility?

What is Civility?

“Civility knows no boundaries, speaks every language, crosses every time zone, thrives in every culture, connects with every generation, is available to every person, and improves every situation.” Deborah King

What is civility? People talk about uncivil behavior, but it seems few are able to explain what civility is and what it looks like in day-to-day interactions.Continue reading

Qualities of First-Class Service

Qualities of First-Class Service

I enjoy great service, but I am not a salesperson. 

You don’t need the title of being a salesperson to be in the business of selling. The truth is we all are in the business of selling. You are selling yourself!

Whether or not you work for a company or some other kind of organization, you are selling yourself every day to those you meet. From the moment you get up in the morning to when you go back to bed at night, you are continually announcing who you are and what type of service or services you offer. You serve others on the job, in your community and at home. Would those people describe you as first-class—or as second-hand?Continue reading

Make Your Dream a Reality

Make Your Dream a Reality

What do you dream of accomplishing? Now imagine that life has no limits. Would you like to learn a new language, master a skill, complete an unfinished project, or launch into something new? How will you feel when you succeed?Continue reading

Civility in the Workplace

Civility in the Workplace

“Civility is not a mechanical act. Civility is a condition of the heart.” ~ Eloquent Bytes by Deborah King

A Dallas lounge made the morning news after they posted the names of individuals who did not show up for their reservations the night before on Facebook. As you can imagine, emotionally charged posts lit up their page. Some thought their decision was extreme and rude, while others appreciated their bold stand saying something must be done to hold people accountable.Continue reading