7 Social Skills Everyone Should Master

7 Social Skills Everyone Should Master

Strong social skills enable you to cultivate respect, goodwill and trust with others. They elevate your confidence, poise and professionalism. They open doors for you like nothing else can.

Where did you learn your social skills? Continue reading

The Power of Social Capital

The Power of Social Capital

People do business with those they know, like, and trust. In fact, they will drive further and spend more if they know they’ll be treated well.

Business owners focus a great deal of time, effort, and finances on how they can attract new customers and increase their profits. But, have you ever noticed that slick ads and marketing gimmicks alone do not generate long-term business success?Continue reading

4 Ways to Improve Your Social Skills and Expand Your World

4 Ways to Improve Your Social Skills and Expand Your World

Your social comfort zone establishes the boundaries for your life. Most people take the same route to work every day, eat the same food, shop at the same stores, and visit with the same friends. We are creatures of habit, and we tend to repeat behavior—unless something forces us to make a change.

Is your social comfort zone a prison or a playground? Do you feel locked and limited, or free to explore and expand? Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.Continue reading