Archives for November 2014

The 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge

The 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge

  1. Call a friend and tell them how much they mean to you
  2. Notice how the morning light enters your home and be glad for a new day
  3. Be grateful for small favors
  4. Enjoy the laughter of one you love
  5. See the world through a child’s eyes
  6. Savor your favorite beverageContinue reading
The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. ~Melody Beattie.

I love this quote by Melody Beattie. It speaks to the heart of gratitude. The ability to maintain a positive outlook when the world around you seems to be turning upside down is not easy, but it is possible when you shift your focus from what is lacking to what is present.

Here in Texas we have the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets. They don’t last long and if you miss them – you miss them. As beautiful as a photo of the sunrise may be,Continue reading