10 Ways to Be a Good Neighbor

10 Ways to Be a Good Neighbor

Why bother making friends with your neighbor? After a busy day, time behind closed doors is a luxury and reaching out to neighbors may not seem worth the effort. But, creating goodwill with your neighbors can pay off in big ways.

Historically, a sense of community was a staple throughout most of America. The onset of the urban lifestyle, social media “relationships,” the breaking apart of the family unit and the need to stay busy has robbed us of the “real-time” connections we once had.

Truly connecting with neighbors creates a feeling of harmony, security and support. There is tremendous value in simply knowing that someone is nearby who cares and is willing to help if needed. Equally as important as a sense of community, being good neighbors benefits everyone when problems arise.Continue reading

Practicing Savoir-faire in Life’s Most Memorable Moments

Practicing Savoir-faire in Life’s Most Memorable Moments

Few things can erode confidence like being invited to an event where you are clueless about what to wear or how to navigate a particular social setting. In fact, most people tend to turn down an invitation to an event that is outside of their comfort zone. Their assumption is that everyone else possesses the required savoir-faire. Nothing could be further from the truth. These skills, like any skill, are only learned through training and practice.

What is savoir-faire? Continue reading

The Power of Real Beauty

The Power of Real Beauty

Every woman wants to look and feel beautiful. This desire is not evil or being conceited; it is part of how you are made.  If that is true, and it is, why do so many women struggle with insecurities about their appearance?

How would you respond if someone you just met told you that you are beautiful? Would you believe them, or would you discount their comment? Maybe you would smile and say, ‘Thank you,’ but in your heart doubt what they have said.

Doubt is often rooted in comparison. If I looked like ________, then I would be beautiful. Every time you compare your reflection in the mirror to the constant flood of perfectly altered photos in the media, and on social media, insecurities take hold. No one can measure up to that – not even the models.Continue reading

When Should I Text, Post or Make a Phone Call?

When Should I Text, Post or Make a Phone Call?

We love to connect with friends and family, and technology has made that easier than ever.  In a flash, you can text someone about a silly moment you are experiencing or post on social media a photo from your day.

Technology can also be used to say things that are hurtful, mean-spirited, damage reputations and destroy friendships.  Many things are said online that would never be said if standing face-to-face. Sometimes hurtful comments are made on purpose, other times, comments are simply misunderstood. How many times has someone misunderstood you when you were sharing something in person? It happens all the time, and adding a smiley face at the end of a text does not guarantee the other person understands your comment. Communication includes not only the words you say but how you say them.Continue reading

Don’t Do This at Work

Don’t Do This at Work

Every job has its share of frustrations, and those frustrating moments typically have little to do with job responsibilities or technical issues.  Many of these office stress points are due to inappropriate behavior, dress, grooming or communication.  These aggravating situations often are the ‘elephant in the room’  that no-one is willing to address.

Here are some of the most common things people wish others would never do in the office.Continue reading