Practical Ways to Communicate with Class

Practical Ways to Communicate with Class

A touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment—the smallest act of caring improves every interaction.” ~Deborah King

Although we have been communicating in some form since the beginning of time, never has such a common practice become so challenging. Communication today embodies more than the written word or the familiar face-to-face interaction—we also communicate through cell phones, email, text messaging and social media. Knowing which medium to use, and how to use them with class, is no small feat.

Today’s fast-paced, rapidly changing landscape requires each of us to refine our verbal, nonverbal, and technological skills to communicate with class. So, how do you resist falling victim to the many communication blunders that can tarnish your image and destroy your relationships?Continue reading

The Power of Real Beauty

The Power of Real Beauty

Every woman wants to look and feel beautiful. This desire is not evil or being conceited; it is part of how you are made.  If that is true, and it is, why do so many women struggle with insecurities about their appearance?

How would you respond if someone you just met told you that you are beautiful? Would you believe them, or would you discount their comment? Maybe you would smile and say, ‘Thank you,’ but in your heart doubt what they have said.

Doubt is often rooted in comparison. If I looked like ________, then I would be beautiful. Every time you compare your reflection in the mirror to the constant flood of perfectly altered photos in the media, and on social media, insecurities take hold. No one can measure up to that – not even the models.Continue reading

Time Marches On

Time Marches On

It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?  ~Mother Theresa

To each of us is given a very precious commodity – time. It marks our years, our months, our days, our moments. For some, time creeps along painfully slow – for others, time seems to evaporate. Rich or poor, we all are given the same 86,400 seconds each day.

How did you spend the first 2,592,000 seconds in January?  More importantly, how will you spend the remaining seconds in 2016? While some moments you can plan, other moments just happen.Continue reading