Your Child Needs a Parent – Not a Best Friend

Your Child Needs a Parent – Not a Best Friend

Parents fill many roles in the lives of their children, but one role they are not to fill is to be their child’s best friend and lifelong playmate. Today’s parent often has many responsibilities outside the home, including part- or full-time employment, which leaves precious little time for family life. Nevertheless, no matter how tired he or she is at the end of the day, he or she is still the parent, and no one else can fulfill that role.Continue reading

Six Tips to Minimize Back-to-School Stress

Six Tips to Minimize Back-to-School Stress

The return to school is a time of excitement and can be a time of anxiety for families. The carefree days of summer have ended and early mornings, long days, and packed schedules resume.

Here are six tips that can help reduce back-to-school stress. Continue reading

4 Ways to Improve Your Social Skills and Expand Your World

4 Ways to Improve Your Social Skills and Expand Your World

Your social comfort zone establishes the boundaries for your life. Most people take the same route to work every day, eat the same food, shop at the same stores, and visit with the same friends. We are creatures of habit, and we tend to repeat behavior—unless something forces us to make a change.

Is your social comfort zone a prison or a playground? Do you feel locked and limited, or free to explore and expand? Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.Continue reading

10 Qualities of a Lady

10 Qualities of a Lady

“Being female is a matter of birth, being a woman is a matter of age, but being a lady is a matter of choice.”  

Being female does not guarantee a girl will grow up to be a lady and the current self-absorbed culture is not likely to model or promote the qualities of a lady. It is a process for a girl to become a woman and develop into a lady. Parents invest a great deal of time and resources to develop their daughter’s academic, athletic, or artistic talent, with little or no thought as to what is required for her to mature into a lady.Continue reading

10 Qualities of a Gentleman

10 Qualities of a Gentleman

10 Qualities of a Gentleman

“Being male is a matter of birth, being a man is a matter of age, but being a gentleman is a matter of choice.” ~Unknown

Being male does not guarantee a boy will grow up to be a gentleman and the current self-absorbed culture is not likely to model or promote the qualities of a gentleman. It is a process for a boy to become a man and develop into a gentleman. Parents invest a great deal of time and resources to develop their son’s academic, athletic, or artistic talent, with little or no thought as to what is required for him to mature into a gentleman.Continue reading