The 6 F’s of Goal Setting

The 6 F’s of Goal Setting

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” Pablo Picasso

Setting goals is not difficult, you simply need a step-by-step plan for how you will get from where you are to where you would like to be. There are short-term goals, like saving money for a vacation; and there are long-term goals, like saving money for a new home. Achieving any goal is not a race, but rather a journey towards a life you wish to live. Rarely is the journey without challenges and setbacks. Having a clear vision of what you desire will help you remain focused and enable you to revise your plan as needed.Continue reading

Goal Setting Tips That Work

Goal Setting Tips That Work

As a teenager I loved the idea of making New Year’s resolutions. It was fun thinking about all the things in life I would like to change. I viewed this process much like asking a fairy godmother to grant me three wishes, that somehow, just by asking, I would be granted my request.Continue reading